Technical reports
Jesper B. Møller. Simplifying Fixpoint Computations in Verification of Real-Time Systems. Technical report TR-2002-15, IT University of Copenhagen, April 2002.
Jesper Møller. DDDLIB: A Library For Solving Quantified Difference Inequalities. Technical report TR-2002-12, IT University of Copenhagen, February 2002.
Jesper Møller. Efficient Verification Of Timed Systems Using Backward Reachability Analysis. Technical report TR-2002-11, IT University of Copenhagen, February 2002.
Jesper Møller, Jakob Lichtenberg, Henrik R. Andersen, and Henrik Hulgaard. Difference decision diagrams. Technical report IT-TR-1999-023, Department of Information Technology, Technical University of Denmark. February 1999.
Jesper Møller, Jakob Lichtenberg, Henrik R. Andersen, and Henrik Hulgaard. On the symbolic verification of timed systems. Technical report IT-TR-1999-024, Department of Information Technology, Technical University of Denmark. February 1999.
Chapter in book
Jesper Møller, Henrik Hulgaard, and Henrik Reif Andersen. Timed Verification of Asynchronous Circuits. In J. Cortadella, A. Yakovlev, G. Rozenberg, editors, Concurrency and Hardware Design: Advances in Petri Nets, volume 2549 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 274-312, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Jesper Møller, Henrik Hulgaard, and Henrik Reif Andersen. Symbolic Model Checking of Timed Guarded Commands using Difference Decision Diagrams. In H. Hermanns and J.-P. Katoen, editors, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 52(1-2), Elsevier, 2002.
Conference & Workshop Proceedings
S. Subbarayan, R. M. Jensen, T. Hadzic, H. R. Andersen, H. Hulgaard, J. Møller. Comparing two implementations of a Complete and Backtrack-free Interactive Configurator. In Proc. of Workshop on CSP Techniques with Immediate Application, CP04, International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 27 September - 1 October 2004, Toronto, Canada, pp. 97-111.
Hadzic, S. Subbarayan, R. M. Jensen, H. R. Andersen, J. Møller, and H. Hulgaard. Fast Backtrack-Free Product Configuration Using a Precompiled Solution Space Representation. In Proc. of the International Conference on Economic, Technical and Organisational aspects of Product Configuration Systems, 28-29 June 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jesper B. Møller. Simplifying Fixpoint Computations in Verification of Real-Time Systems. In Proc. Second Workshop on Real-Time Tools, 1 August 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jesper B. Møller. DDDLIB: A Library For Solving Quantified Difference Inequalities. In A. Voronkov, editor, Proc. 18th International Conference on Automated Deduction, 27-30 July, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, volume 2392 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Jesper Møller, Henrik R. Andersen, and Henrik Hulgaard. Product Configuration over the Internet. In Proc. Sixth INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 3-7 November 2001.
Jesper Møller, Jakob Lichtenberg, Henrik R. Andersen, and Henrik Hulgaard. Difference Decision Diagrams. In Proc. 13th International Conference on Computer Science Logic, volume 1683 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Madrid, Spain, 20-25 September 1999.
Jesper Møller, Jakob Lichtenberg, Henrik R. Andersen, and Henrik Hulgaard. Fully symbolic model checking of timed systems using difference decision diagrams. In Proc. First International Workshop on Symbolic Model Checking, volume 23-2 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Trento, Italy, 6 July 1999.
Jakob Lichtenberg, Henrik Reif Andersen, Henrik Hulgaard, Jesper Møller, and Anders Steen Rasmussen. Virtual Tabulation. International patent application, publication no. EP1342200. June 2002.
Henrik R. Andersen, Henrik Hulgaard, Jakob Lichtenberg, and Jesper Møller. A Data Structure And Its Use. International patent application, publication no. EP1105821. December 2000.
Jesper B. Møller. Symbolic Model Checking of Real-Time Systems using Difference Decision Diagrams. PhD dissertation. Department of Innovation, IT University of Copenhagen. April 2002.
Jesper Møller and Jakob Lichtenberg. Difference Decision Diagrams. Master's Thesis. Department of Information Technology, Technical University of Denmark. 31 August 1998.
Jesper Møller and Christian Østergaard. An Efficient ROBDD Package. Bachelor's Thesis. Department of Information Technology, Technical University of Denmark. June 1996.
Jesper Blak Møller. Simplifying Fixpoint Computations in Verification of Real-Time Systems. Presentation at 2nd International Workshop on Real-Time Tools, affiliated with CAV, 1 August, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jesper Blak Møller. DDDLIB: A Library For Solving Quantified Difference Inequalities. Presentation at 18th International Conference on Automated Deduction, 27-30 July, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jesper Blak Møller. Configuration and E-commerce. Invited talk at IFORS-2002: The 16th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies , Edinburgh, Scotland, Jul 8-12, 2002.
Jesper Blak Møller. Symbolic Model Checking of Real-Time Systems using Difference Decision Diagrams. PhD defense, 30 May 2002, IT University of Copenhagen, 2002.
Jesper Møller, Henrik Hulgaard, and Henrik R. Andersen. Product Configuration over the Internet. Presentation at INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology. Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 3-7 November 2001.
Jesper Møller. Verification of Systems With Non-Boolean Variables. Presentation of PhD project for Birte Weiss (Danish Minister for Research and Information Technology) and Jose Mariano Gago (Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology). The IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7 May 2001.
Jesper Møller, Jakob Lichtenberg, Henrik R. Andersen, and Henrik Hulgaard. Difference decision diagrams. Presentation at Conference on Computer Science Logic, Madrid, Spain, 20-25 September 1999.
Jesper Møller, Jakob Lichtenberg, Henrik R. Andersen, and Henrik Hulgaard. Fully symbolic model checking of timed systems using difference decision diagrams. Presentation at International Workshop on Symbolic Model Checking, Trento, Italy, July 1999.
Jesper Møller and Jakob Lichtenberg. Difference decision diagrams. Presentation of Master's Thesis. Department of Information Technology, Technical University of Denmark. August 1998.
Popular science publications in Danish
Claus Thorhauge. Ingeniørerne der regnede den ud - i millionvis. Portræt i PROSAbladet, nr. 2, side 19-21, 2004.
Jesper Møller og Jakob Lichtenberg. Internettets intelligente sælgere. August 2001. På Danmarks Radios Orbitalen.
Jesper Møller. Computeren som fejlfinder. September 2000. På Danmarks Radios Orbitalen.
Morten Ginnerup, Jesper Møller, Steen Weichel og Ras Kaas Vestergaard. Fagre nye fosterdiagnose. I Berlingske Tidende, 4. maj 1999, 4. sektion, Univers, side 6.
Morten Ginnerup, Jesper Møller, Steen Weichel og Ras Kaas Vestergaard. Det mikromekaniske værksted. I Berlingske Tidende, 4. maj 1999, 4. sektion, Univers, side 6.
Jesper Møller og Ken Larsen. Digitale Signaturer i RSA. Informatik projekt, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, januar 1995.